GYROTONIC® Level 1 Teacher Training Courses

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Conducted By:

Course / Kurse @GYROTONIC ARTS by:

Gyrotonic Specialized Master Trainer:Miriam Friedrich Honorio (

Sergio Rodrigues Honorio (

Gyrotonic Pre-Trainer Bogdan Muresan in Freiburg

German, Romanian & English (

Courses also here:

Gyrotonic Pre-Trainer Corinne Martin in Colmar

French, German & English (

Gyrotonic Pre-Trainer Amine Benderra in Porto

Portugeuese & English (Instituto-do-Lago)

Gyrotonic Pre-Trainer Keisuke Mihara in Düsseldorf

Japanese, German & English (

Gyrotonic Pre-Trainer Carlo Camagni & Sammie Hermans in Amsterdam

Netherlands, Italian & English (

Gyrotonic Pre-Trainer Julia Murga in Barcelona

Spanish & English (

by Gyrotonic Pre-Trainer Sarah Satz in Basel

German & English (

by Gyrotonic Pre-Trainer Charity Ellis in Berlin

English & German (


Wenn Sie sich entschieden haben, an einem der folgenden Kurse teilzunehmen..

If you have decided to attend a

Bedenken Sie die ca. 6-9 Monate Wartezeit für Gerätebestellungen.

Unsere Empfehlung ist, das Gerät direkt zu bestellen nach der Anmeldung zu unseren Kursen.

consider the approx. 6-9 month waiting period

for equipment orders.

Our recommendation is to order the equiment directly

after registering for our courses.

Bestellen Sie hier …

Order here …


World: (equipment)

INFO VISIT Freiburg (de, en,fr,it,es,nl)

We scheduled ALL the courses in such a way that you have plenty of time after the course for